Gina Carano vs. Disney (translated by: Monica Albornoz Z.)
As if a third wave of COVID weren’t enough bad news, another just came to my ears -depending on each individual’s taste for TV shows, that is- On Wednesday, February 11, 2021, Lucasfilm said that Gina Carano is gone for good (she was fired). Unbelievable, The Mandalorian star is now no more a part of this once amazing cast.
Who is to blame? You are the one to decide. Not long ago, our beloved Gina published some delicate content on social network that drew parallels between the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany and the situation experienced by conservative groups in the U.S. -especially after Biden’s victory-. This reminds me of a certain actress who said that her director is like a “little Hitler”, and was fired from a series of movies, something to do with robots, cars that transform…giving your opinion is not as healthy as one thought. So much for freedom of speech.
Nonetheless, this situation, which is becoming common in the entertainment world, brings us three elements to be analyzed. Let’s go to a sneek peek, shall we?
First, the double standard to judge the same fact: in November, 2020, Pedro Pascal, (The Mandalorian star) , made a publication on INSTAGRAM comparing Donald Trump’s supporters with the Southern Confederacy and with NAZIS. In other words, for the actor, the 24 million #HISPANOSFORTRUMP are Hitler’s and the Third Reich’s descendants (the same as those who exterminated Jews in Europe). Now, here comes the million dollar question: Why hasn’t Pascal suffered any career consequences? In fact, many have applauded his statements.
Second, Feminism, a movement that has earned its rightful place in society has managed to impose rights such as the concept of femicide, boasts of female empowerment, and demands of gender quotas in all areas of work, among other victories. So my inquiry is why has such a powerful movement done or said nothing to defend our star? Or do you see feminist groups protesting this decision? What makes me think that apparently, feminist sorority only applies to the militants of the green scarf collectives, but not to all women. That, in my opinion is also discrimination. Upon this evidence it is clear to see that not all women are defendable, and if so, what are the parameters, the rules, the accords? Popularity? Beauty? Or the feminists’ P.M.S. hormones?
Third, the left, which presumes to fight against discrimination and is for the inclusion of all minorities and for the rights of immigrants, was completely silent in the case of Carano (who on the one hand is a descendant of Mohawk ethnicity and on the other of Italian ancestors). A native pure blood. Is she not part of a minority? Is she an exception to the rule?
As we see, women, migrants and indigenous people are important to the left when they support their causes. Otherwise, they will be victims of the cancellation culture – which could be summed up: «don’t say your opinion if it is contrary to mine». Don’t speak, don’t talk. Just hush.
With the risk of being banned, criticized, and even stoned, I dare go further and ask the key question: how is it possible that a nation that boasted of its republican tradition, of respect for private property and of being the land of the brave and freedom has become a place of censorship?
The answer is held by Herbert Marcuse (one of the most influential intellectuals in the American new left) who in his own words expressed the following:
«The suppression of the regressive is a prerequisite for the strengthening of the progressive. Liberating tolerance means intolerance of right-wing movements and tolerance of left-wing movements. As for the aim of this combined tolerance and intolerance it would extend to the phase of action as well as of discussion and propaganda.»
The idea is not new, the left has always used dis-accreditation as a strategy of advancement. However, what is really new is the support that great capitals (which once upon a time was the most powerful country) are in favor of moral assassination and the silencing of dissent. Another new category of The Inquisition.
Along history, these are the tactics by which the left first controlled academia, and from there spread throughout American society just like cancer, or even COVID. And have been successful, since it has reached to the White House. They are theories of Marcuse and Alinsky filtered into every cultural space in the United States. That is why the left is not only the most influential wing, but the one that sets the medium and long term agenda for the Democratic party.
But all is not lost in the United States. There is still hope because as of last February 13th, with 57 votes in favor and 43 against, the impeachment farce against Trump fell. Unbelievable to many, but it brings hope for the more than 80 million Americans who love their homeland and want it free of socialism.
Yes gentlemen, it is as Donald Trump said, «Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to ‘Make America Great Again’ has only just begun. In the months ahead, I have much to share with you and look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all our people. There has never been anything like it!».
And as my friend Javier Milei would say, «VIVA LA LIBERTAD CARAJO». (LONG LIVE FREEDOM!).